The new CARO « Conflict Management Committee » service has just been nominated for the GAR Awards 2024, in the « Innovation » category



Participation of the CARO Centre to the international symposium on “The Attractiveness of Business Law, the 21st century Enterprise”

  • 2024-06-24
  • 198

The University of the West Indies, Fouillole Campus in Guadeloupe, organized an international symposium which took place on the 8th and 9th of February, 2024, on the theme “The Attractiveness of Business Law, the 21st Century Enterprise”. This event was sponsored by the Henri Capitant Association and organized under the auspices of the Center for Research in Economics and Law of Insular Development (CREDDI) under the scientific direction of Brigitte Facorat-Gaspard, Senior Lecturer in private law at the University of the West Indies, Guadeloupe pole, and head of the Master 2 business law program.


Mission in St Lucia 26 February - 1 March 2024

  • 2024-06-24
  • 268

The workshop was co-organized in partnership with the Bar Association of Saint Lucia and the LEGAL PRO TECH law firm, based in Guadeloupe and Martinique. The main objective was to provide French business leaders with a clearer understanding of the legal issues essential for the successful development of their projects in Saint Lucia (e.g., taxation, corporate law, labor law, intellectual property, etc.).


Nominated for GAR Awards by Centre CARO

  • 2024-03-19
  • 741

The CARO Centre team is delighted to announce that its new “Conflict Management Committee” service has been nominated for the 2024 GAR Awards, in the “Innovation” category.


Presentation of the CARO Centre's new Dispute Management Committee (CMC) to UNCITRAL Working Group III on investor-State dispute settlement reform, 47th session , January 22-26, 2024, Vienna

  • 2024-03-12
  • 837

We are very pleased to announce that the new service created by the CARO Centre, the “Conflict Management Committee” or “CMC”, has been listed since the end of January 2024 on the website of Working Group III of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, in the context of its work on the prevention of investment disputes.


Closing ceremony for the CARO OHADAC Regional Arbitration Centre project - end of INTERREG Caribbean 2014-2020 programming period

  • 2024-03-12
  • 751

The INTERREG Caribbean 2014-2020 program is a “European Territorial Cooperation program enabling operators in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Saint-Martin to implement win-win projects with their Caribbean neighbours, i.e. over forty countries and territories”. This operational program is part of a privileged partnership with international organizations with a regional vocation in the Caribbean, such as the ACS (Association of Caribbean States), the OECS (Organization of Eastern Caribbean States) and CARICOM/CARIFORUM (Caribbean Community/Caribbean Forum), which are all members of the program's strategic steering bodies.


Training and Conference on “Caribbean countries & Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)” - Bridgetown, Barbados, November 27-29, 2023

  • 2024-03-11
  • 1304

In partnership with the Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services (“SRC”) (University of the West Indies) and the international law firm “Foley Hoag”, the CARO Centre team organized a training course which took place from November 27 to 28, 2023 on the campus of the University of the West Indies in Barbados, on the theme: “Caribbean Countries & Investor-State Dispute Settlement”.


CARO DRF CIARB (Caribbean branch) Conference, September 21, 2023

  • 2024-03-11
  • 890

On September 21, the CARO Centre, in collaboration with the Caribbean branch of CIArb and the Jamaica-based Dispute Resolution Foundation (DRF), organized a conference on “The role of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in economic integration, the Sustainable Development Goals and climate justice in the Caribbean region”.

The OHADAC project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the auspices of the INTERREG CARAÏBES programme
Interreg Caraïbe
Union Européenne
CCI des iles de Guadeloupe
ACP Legal