OHADAC arbitration presentation during the Colloquium of the African Academy for International Law Practice, 26 February 2020 in Paris, France
- 2020-02-26
- 3589
- Challenges and investment opportunities in Africa
- International arbitration changes in Africa
- The new actors and stakeholders of international arbitration
In this last panel, the OHADAC objectives for the second phase of its existence were addressed, this is to say the creation of the Arbitration and Mediation Centre “CARO” and the follow-up stage and the process of legislative harmonisation.
The OHADAC approach on arbitration was thus presented as well as the considered contribution by OHADAC to launch a reform of the international system of dispute settlement in the field of investment in complementarity with the work conducted within the group III of UNCITRAL.
For further information, you may contact Marie-Camille Pitton at the following email address: marie_camille_pitton@yahoo.fr